
Weavers of Char-Lee Library

WeavingBarber, Elizabeth Wayland — Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years
Beard, Betty J. — Fashions from the Loom
Black, Mary E. — New Key to Weaving
Bress, Helen — Inkle Weaving
Cahlande, Adele with Suzanne Baizerman —
Double-woven Treasures from Old Peru
Cason, Marjorie and Adele Cahlander — Art of Bolivian Highland Weaving
Davenport, Betty Linn — Textures and Patterns for the Rigid Heddle Loom
Davison, Margeurite P. — Handweaver’s Pattern Book
Gettys, Marshall, Ed. — Basketry of the Southeastern Indians
Hall, Joanne — Learning to Warp Your Loom
Hart, Carol and Dan — Natural Basketry
Hayes, Bertha Gray — The Weaver, V6, No. 4
Herbster, Barbara — Ruffles, Wrinkles, Ridges
Hochberg, Bette — Handspinner’s Handbook
Hoppe, Elisabeth, Estine Ostlund, Lisa Melen — Free Weaving on Frame and Loom
Hoskins, Nancy Arhur — Weft-faced Weaves: Tabby to Taquete
Ingers, Gertrud — Flemish Weaving, a Guide to Tapestry Technique
Irwin, Bobbie — Twined Rag Rugs
Laughlin, Mary Elizabeth — More than Four, a
Book for Multiple Harness Weavers
Liles, J.N. — Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing
Lily Mills Company — Practical Weaving Suggestions Vol. 3-62: Chenille Rugs
McManis, Kent and Robert Jeffries — Guide to Navajo Weaving
Meilach, Dona Z. — Modern Approach to Basketry with Fibers and Grasses
Meilach, Dona Z. — Creating Art from Fiber and Fabrics
Meisch, Lynn A., Ed. — Traditional Textiles of the Andes, Life and Cloth in the Highlands
Pendleton, Mary — Navajo and Hopi Weaving Techniques
Regensteiner, Else — Art of Weaving
Reiter, Mary Jo — Weaving a Life: The Story of
Mary Meigs Atwater
Rodee, Marian — Weaving of the Southwest
Siek de Rodriguez, Judy and Nona M. Ziek —
Weaving on a Backstrap Loom: Pattern Designs from Guatemala
Siler, Lyn — Basket Book
Simmons, Paula — Turning Wool into a
Cottage Industry
Simpson, L.E. and M. — Wear Weaver’s Craft
Tacker, Harold and Sylvia — Band Weaving
Thorpe, Azalea Stuart, Jack Lenor Larsen —
Elements of Weaving
Tod, Osma Galliger — Joy of Handweaving
Tod, Osma Galliger and Josephine Couch del Deo — Rug Weaving for Everyone
Torgenrud, Heather — Norwegian Pick-up Bandweaving
Weavers Guild of Greater Baltimore — Sixty Scarves for 60 Years
Wilson, Jean — Pile Weaves
Wilson, Jean with Jan Burhen — Weaving You Can Wear
Worst, Edward F. — Weaving With Foot-Power Looms — American
Craft, 2017
Fiberarts: the Magazine of Textiles — Special Issue Handweavers Guild of America — Shuttle,
Spindle and Dyecraft, 2014, 2017, 2018
Nilus-LeClerc — Nilus-LeClerc Weaving Book Ply Magazine — Ply: Cotton Spring 2017
Binders from Ann Ashworth:
No. 2: Top 10 rugs, Christmas, Atwater-Bronson lace, hon- eycomb, scarves on 4 and 8
No. 4: Blocks, weaving with rags, readers choice favorites, huck lace, doubleweave, overshot
No. 5: Shadow weave, 4-shaft twills, 10/2 cotton, silk, 8/2 cotton, shawls on 4 and 8
No. 6: baker’s dozen bags, bag of the month, waffle weave, felted, scarves of the month
No. 8: Woven to wear
No. 11: Summer/Winter, blankets, deflected doubleweave
These books and publications are available for you to check out and enjoy. NEW: A set of
binders bursting with catalogued articles and patterns has been donated by Ann Ashworth. Library